2012. március 8., csütörtök

it want me to think about him...

yesterday I dreamed about Tom :/ just because before sleep I was thinking about him and I felt I don't love him anymore. And every fucking time - just like fuga - when I deal with myself a fuking dream destroy everything...
In my dream, I dont really know where was I but my mates were there. I met with P. and started to talking and I even tickled him :DD he was cute while laughing :D and then he started to talk about  Tom. He said he made some couples, and he think I should be with Tomas -.-" He wanted me and Tom to get in relationship... And I said I want it reaalllyyy baaad but he loves Betti :/ her girlfriend. But P said he will get me Tom.. :)

then I was with my family and nothing speciel happend there, but after waking up it was soooooo heartbreaking :/ my dreams always fuck up everything, my feelings cant calm down -.-"

hmmm I just wanted to share this thing. Today was normal as yesterday. I talked to Feri and he told so much about universities in London and also about jobs out there. Seems like I will go out, but who knows in the end? I dont really want to think about lefting my family, my friends, my house, MY LIFE yet. I have some time............................. yet.

Waaah, so depressive today :/ don wanna.. I'm going to the bed... I will read some twilight, if my thoughts let it...

Oh, and this clip is the best to show my feelings... so sad so true. I want you gazette... at least one concert.... give meeee...


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